Hi guys. I have not gone to the ER yet. I figured I would wait and see what happens . I have heard many say they have at one time or another bled from there EC fistula site. Mine does all kinds of strange things it has oozed blood, also a pinkish colored fluid (that I'm assuming is blood and fluid mixed) and then yellow and then brown with specs, then green with specs, then at times sesame seeds and poppy seeds will come out of there too. This question is IMPORTANT: Has anyone ever applied pressure around the site to promote drainage? Because when I did that the other night that is when large amounts of pink fluid popped out and after all the pink fluid was done blood followed. I feel like I loosened up a pocket of infection or an abscess that was stuck under that part of the skin. Does that sound normal? Since doing that it just leaks its normal fluid, unless I apply pressure to that part of the skin around the site (the area I'm talking about
is to the right of the site when I look down at it.) Aronk you probably understand what I'm saying. Please give any helpful info you may have and if I go to the ER I will have my laptop so I will give you guys the play by play.
Aronk: I haven't had a period in 6 months.