I had a reaction to Remicade but was able to try both Humira and Cimzia. Neither really seem to help me, but at least I got to try. Are they worried that it's the general TNF blocker that is causing the sores and hair loss as opposed to it being a reaction to Remicade? Sure would be nice if you could try the others. But if it's the TNF part that's causing you to be so sick, it's not worth the try.
My offical diagnosis is anti TNF drug induced psorasis. My doctor took me off the remicade and also said no Humira ever. So I am going to guess that Cimzia is off the table as well. I am starting
open up to the idea of methtrexate slowly. My doctor said I probably need to start with a shot and then later possibly switch to a pill. Where do you inject yourself? Is it weird? I'm a little nervous...