spookyhurst said...
If you mix the oil of oregano with an olive oil base, perhaps it wouldn't bother your acid reflux so much. Also, I sometimes mince garlic, stuff it into a capsule, and take before dinner. I don't care for garlic, so that's a good way to get it in without the ugly taste.
There is also supplements called Candidex and CandiZyme. I've never taken them, but some people say they really help treating yeast.
Also, I've read that candida is seldom found alone. It is usually accompanied by harmful bacteria and/or parasites. This is due to an imbalance in the digestive tract. You may need to treat for both yeast and bacteria to get things back in order.
I think I'm way too scared to take another antibiotic for anything, they tried giving me Cipro at the ER (just in case) and I did not take it b/c of what Flagyl did to me. I have had a stool sample, and blood tests for C diff and pylori so all those ruled out (phew). I tried a parasitic cleanse last summer and it made my stomach bloat so bad I think I can't tolerate the peppermint or garlic or something in it. Those are good ideas wwith the oregano and mincing the garlic, I wonder how my gut would take raw garlic.