Hi this question is for people who have encountered the horrible causes of Fistulas. Im 24 and have had crohns for 12 years. I have always had problems with Fistulas and have had surgery from it. One was from lower colon to exterior anus wall which has had a seton placed and drains till this day.
My Problem now started last year and hospitalized me twice. It is a Fistula which connects my colon to somewhere in my urinary tract. I am looking for people with this similar case. What have you done as far as surgery? is there a possible way to close either end of this problem? It has caused many UTI's and many related infections. HELP??? I hope someone out there has some answers...Had a MRI this weekend which will probably conclude what i just wrote... who knows there own body better then us crony's... Next step is another surgery.... please any recomendations on what you have done in the past...
I use to get 700 mG of Remicade, now i am on the Humira Pen Bi-weekly... Not happy with Humira yett....