So I will have to do some reading up on it since I've never heard of it. But I've been doing well the past few weeks by chewing my food good and sticking to a blander diet, and eating smaller meals and so on. I really don't need anti-diarrheals now (just barely on and off 1/2 a pill) and I've been taking massive amounts of probiotics, found a decent one that seems to be helping (I'm assuming I have too much fungus in my system from the last set of antibiotics). I am up to about
30 billion organisms per day, I do say it's helping...I would like to go up to 60 billion.
I have also got my results back from my food allergies test and hopefully this will help, I am allergic to bananas, asparagus and oysters. I eat the first two all the time! So maybe that will help my stomach/indigestion issues and stuff. It's REALLY good to know this, and I can keep having my organic decaf coffees! yeah!