Hi Everyone,
I came across your great site the other day and I wanted to say hello.I was diagnosed 2008/2009 with "the possible onset of Crohn's" after a biopsy and a MRI scan. I believe I was wrongly diagnosed with IBS 25 years ago when I was 30years old. I have had discomfort with my digestion/elimination for as long as I can remember. I have been vegetarian for over 25 years with a very occasional "relapse" eating fish/seafood worrying about
my Omega intakes...lol :)
I saw my consultant once last year when he diagnosed and put me on Pentasa 500mg, 4 daily, more if required. I am due to see him again on the 29th of April.
I find my symptoms are all over the place and hit at any time. These are complicated by migraine headaches to the left side above my eyebrow and diagonally through my (l/h side) head to the base of my skull. I find I'm usually bloated then also with sluggish elimination. I haven't eaten my usual these past few days to try and budge this swollen abdomen and rest my intestines a bit. I have a middle ear infection at the mo also.
Last year I was in China for a few months and didn't take my meds often and suffered with D but it wasn't so frequent daily that I couldn't work around it. At least my abdomen was (fairly) flat.
I find the whole thing totally confusing
I don't know how well the Pentasa actually works and I don't really have any questions to put to you good people.
Thanks for reading.