Which company did you use? Autoimmune therapies
Did you use only the hookworm or did you add the whipworms too? hookworm for now but planning to add whipworm as well
Did you have to go to Canada to get the shipment? No, as I wasn't in the US when I got it
When did you inoculate yourself and did you get the rash? Almost 1.5 months ago. Yup, got the rash but no other symptoms of the hookworm.
Are you also posting on the Yahoo Helminthic Therapy site? yes, I am. I've been following it for a few years now.
Anybody know if hookworms would help with fitsutlizing crohns? I don't know but I don't see why it wouldn't help. Probably would take a lot longer for them to heal though, I wouldn't be surprised if it took a year or more but given the scientific evidence, it should work.
Update: seasonal allergies are gone completely, 2 food allergies have disappeared. Stopped taking Humira last week and hoping for the best. I'll be posting updates on the yahoo group, so if you need to reach me, ask questions there.