I talked with my stepdad earlier this week and he made me feel a lot better about
the whole thing. The Humira people are still working on stuff, they've been calling me every few days but I will also hopefully be going on the new insurance in a few weeks.
There's also the infamous (and expensive!) GIs at Mt Sinai that both my mom and dad want me to go to and have offered to pay for. My dad knows someone who goes to a dr there so I guess he wants me to see him. We'll see I guess.
And apparently my insurance didn't deny the Humira, for some reason someone was trying to get it approved for more started kits so that's what was denied, I think anyways.
The only weird thing is that my GI's office called and told me to make an appointment with some other GI, who I guess has more experience with patients on Humira. (A bit of a drive but oh well.) But I feel like it doesn't matter til I'm on the new insurance anyways. I feel a little...ditched! hah. I tried calling that office but the doctor is out of town for awhile anyways.
I'm happy that I might go ahead and get better insurance and I feel okay with my stepdad and mom paying the other half...but the pain now is just really, really bad. I never take the painkillers since I don't have a lot of them so I sit around in pain all day. It's really imbarable sometimes. I discribe it to my friends as the scene from the Aliens movie where the alien rips out of the man's stomach...I imagine that's what I feel like...
I finally subbed the other day cause I haven't in a few weeks and it was horrible. It scares me to think of my career choice...As a teacher, if I'm in pain, I have to suck it up and stay there.
Ugh, I think I need to be an advocate for myself and go back to my primary and demand painkillers and if not see more pain management specialists. It's making me...angry! It's my right as a human being to not be in pain. Going back in remission would be great but until I get the Crohn's taking care of I should be able to take pills everyday and not worry...I just don't want them to be mean to me.