Thank you everyone for all the replies and support!! Yes my husband uses everything he makes for everything, and still have to go to my Mom & Dad on top of that( which I HATE)
I had been trying to go to get my RN, I was a Nurse Aide when I got fired, which with the Chron's and the Arthritis that has now come with it, I guess I can no longer do that, I can't squat, or lift or do any of the things I did before, I just got certified in Phebotomy, so hopefully I can get a new job I can actually do? I hope?!
My husband doesn't get insurance yet with his job, he just went from contract to full time and won't be eligible for another few months. So mom & dad are paying for my COBRA, that stuffs expensive!!! and I can't have a lapse with a pre-existing condition, so I have no choice...
Again, thanks everyone!!!