So I need advice since I'm going to go against my doctor's advice. I still don't understand why I'm on the Pred when I feel like my body has built a resistance to it and it isn't doing anything for me. My crohn's is like how it usually is, not completely horrible but everyday pain and bathroom annoyances. I don't think the silly 10 mg of Pred is doing anything. At least when I was on 20-40ish it raised my energy levels and stuff like that.
So, I left a message for my dr. telling him that I am aware what he is medically advising me to do but I want to go against it. Unfortunately he won't be in the office til Tues or Wed, and I feel like it's so impossible to get in touch with them that by the time I finally get him on the phone it will be another 2 weeks!
Right now I am alternating between 10 and 5mg a day. For people who have had lots of experience with this (I don't remember what I did 8 years ago.) how do I do it the correct way? Do I now go just to 5mg for a week and then that's it or do I then go to 2mg? (I remember my doctor saying something about that)...but that means I now would need to cut the pills into quarters?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated :) I know it might be bad to go against my doctor's wishes, but he hasn't explained a good enough reason for me to stay on the drug, and I feel like it's better for my mental health to be off of it. I'm tired of introducing myself to new people as "Hi, I'm Sara, sorry for my poofy face, I'm on steroids." heh. But yeah, even though I'm going against my doctors advice I still want to wean myself off correctly!