yea I took 2 bennie's but didn't sleep during infusion. now it is the morning and I noticed I didn't have a very good bm. for if I don't pretty good in am I get these really bad gas pains that put me in bed. does rem have a steriod init. you guys I hope you all understand. I ask more questions, to you guys than my gi, he seems always in a hurry, when I'm he'll listen, so I ask you guys because I get my answers. because the reason I ask about
steriods, I had really bad nite sweats last night and i took enough sleepers to knock ivy out in austrailia. pred did the same to me, after my flare eased up I weened myself off pred, can't take that hyper bullcrap. so rem was a little like that. we will see. no pain so far this am. Ivy, grandpato you guys send me your bill, do you except hmo