Miss: Didn't even know pred came coated. All those years of biter, biter, biter! Especially once in a while one gets caught half way down where it won't move from, no matter what, AHHHH. MMMNavy I too have anger issues occasionally, ok more than occasionally. lol. Most I catch before my mouth opens. Sometimes I don't catch my anger quick enough and usually end up apologising for my bad behaviour. In fact if I find myself yelling at people in my car for their terrible driving then I know I'm really off balance and I need to do something to calm my life down before my behaviour worsens. So for me yelling at other drivers is a barometer of how my life is going at any time. Prednisone unfortunately throws everything out of whack due to the extremely fast onset, no warning at all. There's a reason for the phrase "steroid rage". I'm so glad I'm not on pred now but realize sometime in the future I'll probably become totally unpredictable to friends and family . Great post.