I had a 5 day hospital stay last month was diagnosed with Crohn's ("aggressive") and have been doing great on my meds until yesterday. Then, my husband and I decide to leave the kids with Grammy and go away for an anniversary night and I wake up at 1 am in the hotel room in unbearable joint pain. Called the dr back home and he called in hydrocodone and my husband had a to take a $25 cab ride in the middle of the night in a strange city to get to the 24 hr pharmacy for me. Now that's "in sickness and in health"! Anyway, I'm now back home and on the hydrocodone but waking up every hour or two in pain. What kind of pain relief works for knee and ankle pain? Cold, hot, any advice? Dr thinks this may be related to tapering off the prednizone.
Crohn's dx last month
On lots of prednizone, balsalazide, enema
Due to start Imuran next week