Camey: Hi, I'm realitively new to this web site but learning quickly. I'm sorry that you have been so devasated by this disease process. Hopefully others will come along and give you an electronic hug, but please accept my hug and my deepest sympathies for all that you have been through and are going through.
In reading your posting, it does seem that the knowledge and skill of mankind via the medical world has been exhausted and so it seems that your physicians are providing you reasonable advice. Sometimes the use of medical treatments and medical therapies becomes inhumane and prolongs as well as causes more pain and suffering than cures, fixes or improves. The next phase in all of our lives is one of inevitable destination, our bodies are not sustainable forever and so we must find peace, comfort in the difficult, spiritual support and guidance. Hospice provides a method of controlling your pain, supporting yourself and your family as well as ensuring that more painful therapies are not implimented against your will if something happens and you no longer have the power to decide for yourself.
God bless, take care and let me know if there is something more I can do to help.