well, my answer to that question is no, in fact more the opposite (even when I;'m not having much in the way of symptoms, I'm told my colon looks like "hamburger". lovely.
Sorry to go O/T a bit, but I have been wondering about this lately.... I was reading some posts from people with IBS and what they describe in the way of D and symptoms coming on I can 100% relate to (ie feeling the need to have D IMMEDIATELY once I start feeling anxiety or nervousness, feeling like your inside are spasming even tho there's nothing coming out etc)
Now, I know I have crohn's (my first gastro said he was 99.999% sure, and if not, then colitis, not IBS) and with all the weird symptoms like fistulas, fissures, mouth ulcers, joint pain, rashes etc etc.. but sorry I know this is getting too long..lol..
my question is, can anyone relate to this? Or is your D and stomach pain completely unrelated to your mood or anxiety level at all times? I mean I def have D when I'm not anxious too, but the nanosecond I become nervous I have to go, and my tummy hurts.
It's been happening without fail on the way to work for the past 12 yrs (thankfully for most of that time I've been off..thats why I stay- great benefits)