I feel awful. Went out to this nice kinda upscale dinner and had to go vomit three times. GRRRRRAWWW!!! Can't we just say "uncle" with our diseases...just once in awhile?! My regular doc put me on phenergan...which I was already taking and he set me up to take it every four hours whether I'm nausated or not. If it doesn't work, then surprise, go to the ER. Honestly, can't stand the thought of any of that crap!
I'm trying to be upbeat. Blah blah blah BLAH! Screw it all. It's a retarded disease with even more stupid, barely functioning DOCTORS who don't honestly understand what it is to HAVE this. Hehehe.
Okay, here's what I don't want to see happen but will happen if I do go. I go into ER, they take blood, and SURPRISE, low on potassium and/or iron. Because they're stupid, you explain to three nurses, possibly two radiologist assistants, and one ER doctor who could honestly care less that you have Crohns. It's almost like this expression comes over their faces when you say it. Like you don't take care of yourself or follow your doctors orders and THAT'S why you're sick.
Meh! I'm tired of the puking and the eating anything and taking of medicines. To lowest blasted heck with it...hehehe, which I figure is about the time you have to have emergency surgery and your insides are all diseased and abscessed and fistulated. LOL, fistulated. Another fun word...reminescent of vomitous.
I'm tired and sick and sick of being sick and tired. Hehe, and who amongst us hasn't said that before?
Now, I'd raise my nonexistant alcoholic drink that I'm not allowed to drink to all of us who are putting up with this ridiculously addled disease that opens the doors to even more fun diseases...or rather that all chronic diseases open the door to all the other fun chronic diseases. Ahhh well. Wish I could even put this disease blame on that acne medicine but I never did take any. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh well.