I've been seeing a Naturopath since shortly after my diagnosis. I researched the people in my area, and went with this Dr. with a great reputation in the big city and has Crohn's himself. I also started the SCD right off the bat. So, seeing the Naturopath and eating on the SCD for the past 9 months has resulted in......a major decrease in all symptoms, most times to where they are non-existant. Symptoms prior to diagnosis for me were mostly major gas and bloating. My husband would have to light a candle in the bedroom at night, and sometimes the bloating was so bad it felt like I was 5 months pregnant again. There are still times when I will be slightly gassy again, but I can typically point to a new food that I ate as the cause. I have had no bloating in 9 months, nor have I seen an increase, or start of, pain. I was extremely tired the 6 months before diagnosis, and finally am feeling my energy level approach normal for me, though I will have dips on occassion. The markers in my blood tests (mainly CRP and SED) have also improved dramatically in this time.
I grew up in a medial family, where my dad was an MD and a DO. I have always been VERY skeptical of anything other than major medicine, and I think there are still a lot of quacks out there in the "natural" field. This was a hard jump for me to make, to try a "natural" approach, but I am glad I did it. I know that nothing can cure me, and that nothing can stop the progression of this disease. All I know that is all indicators, outward and inward save for another colonoscopy which I will do in towards the end of the year, point to a decrease in my body.
Time will tell if any one approach is better than the other. We each have to do what we feel is the best for OUR body and life.