i'm tired and have aches every day, at some point in the day (if not all day), some worse than others..like all of you, i'm sure ;) not all of my friends/co-workers/etc. know that i have Crohn's, i feel that it's my business and i will tell them when i want to....but, i'm tired of them making fun of me or telling me i'm lazy and complain too much. they're doing it in a joking way, but i know they're serious, as well...sometimes i want to just yell at them 'you don't know how i feel right now!!!!! be me for one day..' or when they complain about not getting enough sleep and they're tired, feel like crap, blah blah..at least you can get enough sleep the next night and feel fine later, unlike me. how can i get this point across without getting pity or them thinking i'm making excuses? i know what i'm going through and would understand if i was complaining to myself, but i don't want pity. i don't want to annoy people with my worries and whining..because they won't get it. anyone else worried about this kinda thing? i feel like i need to talk with my friends about what i'm going through, but it's hard.
another thing: does exercise help any of you with energy or feeling better in any way?? i haven't been exercising very much and have been trying to motivate myself to do so..it would help if anyone has had good experiences and could share?
thank you!!!!!!