Thanks Nanners,
I actually have had a lot more Diahorea since taking them. Hmmm I wonder, I didnt have that with the salofolk. I have had Crohn's since I was 16 I am now 28, have had two bowel resections but the bugga keeps coming back lol I honestly would have thought over the years I would have this disease down to a art or atleast my own med regime that works. I am lucky enough to have a 5 year old daughter and wonderful hubby. But On this flare up it has taken me to my knee's, I have mouth ulcers and as you said about your joints, mine ache bad. As a grown women now I find it sometimes more emotional then being a teen where I could lock myself away, but I need to go to work and keep going. Everyone keeps telling me listen to your body and rest even my work place but I had that feeeling of letting people down. Anyway thanks for the reply. Ill stop babbling on now.