See, that's exactly how work. I knock out the little stuff as it comes or it can wait, no big deal, it gets done or it doesn't.
I guess I didn't do it how you suggested Ivy. It's the big stuff thats getting to me. The minutiae (sp) does not bother me and I always make some time for ME every day.
My big stressors, not necessarily in order, I couldn't make out how to prioritize them Ivy to follow your suggestion:
My youngest son moved back home after being unable to make it on his own, got an underage girl preggie, had the baby (we were not included at all) moved her to my house a couple months ago, without my permission against my consent, forced them to move out a month later, which was a month ago just prior to starting the remi.
This DD.
My Oldest son fell and ruptured a disk in his back.
Money, as in I'm all out due to my son's antics and my unexpected medical expenses this past year on top of all the lost wages last year.
The holidays are coming, house cleaning cuz relatives are coming factors in here a bit.
It is performance review time at work
My wife and her lack of understanding this DD.
Finding money for my next refills
Remi infusion days