I don't want to burst in, but when it's comes to disability, I am 60 and have had cd for 40 years, many surgeries, total of 8ft of small bowel removed, I finally applied for ssdi in march of this year, currently I'm on sdi, got denial after 4 months, they're denial said because I can walk and move my arms freely I can work, got a lawyer and had dr's fill out forms from lawyer, it was a questionaire and narrative report, but I showed my gi the denial, and he was pretty incensed about
that part of walking and moving arms freely. so ssdi has been in touch just the other day, so hopefully my case workewr for ssdi said that it will be a few more weeks, but she told me the dr that will be going over paperwork is not going to rubber stamp it. that is what they do. The only way for cd patient to be automatic is by weight. other than that if your blind or have lou gerhigs disease is the only way automatically to get ssdi. I will say, this your dr's need to be on the same page as you are. You need to tell them what you are doing as far as disability goes. they need to be in appliance with you or it can take forever. then you have to ask them what they charge to fill out forms. some are compasionate, and they won't charge, they will fill out forms with you on you visit time. I had one psychologist I went to for sleeping issues, he wanted $780 to fill out forms. he WAS my sleep dr. their are quite afew of us on ssdi or sdi for cd so they can help. but if you need help with forms let me know. I can help just so much, when you fill out forms don't lie, you don't need to. explain what a good day is and a bad day. My gi wrote, this patient has 1 or 2 good days sprinkled in with 5 or 6 bad days. he elaborated more, but it's just a sample of what your dr should say in a report