I had another strange side dealy, it was on my first and second infusion, I would get what i thought was a insect or something crawling on my leg around my ankles, at first I pulled up pant leg to see what it was, nothing, finally when it happened I sat down looked at my ankle to see if it was spider ,bug something, and it was nothing just like a fluttering under skin, it has gone away so far not to return, I know it was rem thing because it wa in exact spot everytime, be intune with your body but don't worry about
little things that might seem unusual, but if they persist tell your gi, ask your questions, but you will learn alot on this forum, learn in this forum and then write down concerns and questions to ask your dr. folks here arn't dr's and every case is alittle different, so whats good for the goose might not be good for the gander, if you know what I mean