Oh ya, breakfast is typically a yogurt smoothy made with plain yogurt, a banana and some 100% pure juice of choice, usually pineapple.
I don't really eat a meal until supper which is mostly chicken, veggies or salmon, veggies, brown rice on occassion as well as beef on occassion.
snacks are always fruit but I'll eat eggs (usually soft-boiled) and oatmeal for snacks.
I eat small meals, never large ones, too hard on the digestive tract and with the things I eat I'm satisfied so I don't have to eat alot...whenever I crave sweets, I only eat fruit.
I use Stevia (google it) as a sweetner when needed or honey, and I only drink chamomile tea and water (with the exception of the fruit smoothies).
Once in a while (since I used to be a sugar-addict and chocoholic) I'll indulge in dark chocolate but it has to be 80% or higher cocoa (the higher the content the better for you, less sugar).
With so many variations of fruits and veggies, I don't get bored with my diet.
I forgot to add a few things as well, I use extra virgine olive oil only, never butter (animal fat), and I use fresh herbs to season my foods, rosemarry, thyme, basil, lemon, ect.