I wonder if the bleeding I'm experiencing is not a delayed period (after 10 days, I should be done) ... or a fistula. 6 weeks ago, I got an abscess or a node thing on my tailbone which drained on top of the skin and another three inches to the right on my lower back that swelled and hurt so much but drained internally. Sore for weeks and could hardly walk. Never saw a doc.
Finishing my period, thinking it was done, my husband and I had intercourse. Following, I went to the bathroom and all this dried blood came out. Never in 25 years have I seen this! Very deep red/brown. Then two blood clots the size of nickles. I had fibroids years ago so I didn't think anything of it. Today I am staining tampons but just on the bottom end - what is up ( or down ;) ) with that? Had excrutiating abdominal pain this AM after eating but no bowel movement ... had loose stools yesterday for first time in weeks. Have had pain upper left flank and around belly button off and on for a week.
Confused ....
Any ideas? The blood is new and different for this Crohnie ... all else I can kind of wrap my head around ... hmmmm. No fever, it broke 5 days ago when I went on probiotic and antibiotic for pulpitis (tooth infection).