This is my first time on this forum, but I have been reading some posts by other people who have had similar treatments to mine.. But now im a bit confused
I had an abcess which my GP did nothing about
for several months, no antibiotics or anything! This eventually burst and so I got sent to A&E. They kept me in overnight to wait for an operation, but then decided to leave it and send me home with instructions to have hot baths.. So then this of course developed into a fistula. I had that for several months before I eventually got seen, and they decided to operate.
I now have a seton stitch, but they havn't really told me anything about
it. I have been given a follow up appt for february, and I asked if I would need another operation and they said no. But reading a lot of the posts on here, everyone seems to have another operation at a later date. I think i just have a draining seton rather than a cutting one, but im not entirely sure.. Do draining ones need further operations or will it just be removed?
Also, It is a few weeks after my op now and the pain had completely gone in the last week or two. But today it has started hurting a lot for no apparent reason? Im not sure if this is normal or not, or if I should go to my gp? But tbh they were so useless last time im not even sure they will know what it is
Sorry for the essay! If anyone can help me out id be very grateful