Everyone is different. Some people will only need diet, some people will only need meds, some people will need diet & meds, and some people won't be helped by either.
For me, meds were never that great. For 13 years I took a whole host of meds, including biggies like 6MP, Imuran, Remicade, & Humira. The only meds that made me feel better were prednisone (which also wrecked my bones and left me susceptible to a horrible case of valley fever) and Humira, and even they didn't put me in remission. 6MP and Imuran both made me feel infinitely worse then the crohn's did. Therefore, my faith in meds is not that high.
I don't believe that we're doomed to have crohn's disease smoldering in our guts forever though. It's a matter of finding out what combo of treatments will keep it in check. It took me 13 years of trying everything under the sun, but I finally found my combo. For me, diet is key. I'm amazed at how it worked so well! Supplements help too. LDN is my insurance policy, but I don't really know why I stick with Pentasa, considering it did nothing for me for years. My GI is also convinced that diet is key for me. It's nice to have her on board