Hi all,
I also have peripheral neuropathy. I started developing it last March while I was on Flagyl. Stopped taking it after 3 months of 500 mg 3x a day. Started with finger tips then feet. I take a B-12 shot once a month, plus 1000 mg B-12 orally, and just started taking a B Complex vitamin and 50 mg of nortiptyline HCL with a tylenol at bedtime. My fingers are just starting to feel better, but not the feet. I was diagnosed with Crohn's in November, 2009. It was a hard 2010, but am just now feeling like my old self. Except for my feet. I also am on Remicade, for 10 months now, and it has helped with my rectum issues which was the start of my problems(abcess), also 500 mg of Pentasa, prenatal vitamin and 50 mg of Imuran. The neurologist isn't sure if the neuropathy is permnant or not, and that we can go higher on the Nortipyline dose. It is very frustrating.