They used to be a very respectable company, but I've heard that they (and their products) have gone downhill the past year. I hope you can get your money back!
How are you with other nuts? I'm allergic to cashew, walnut, hazelnut, and pistachio. However, I seem to do okay with almond, pecan, peanuts, macadamia nuts, and brazil nuts. Also, coconut flour (though advanced) makes great baked goods!
Honey doesn't agree with some people in the beginning, but once you heal some, it may be fine. In the meantime, you can use fruit as a sweetener. Applesauce works well. Dates (advanced) can be used to too. There's a recipe for a mock chocolate cake that uses dates instead of honey, and some people make a sort of date paste/syrup to use in lieu of honey.
Glad you're not giving up! It will get easier with time