Hi everyone, I am new to this posting business. I have been reading a post by Inape, and find it very interesting.
First off let me tell you I have had either IBS, ulerated Colitis, etc. for so many years. I am 80yrs. young and when I was in my twenties I had severe constipation and it went on from there, but at that time we didn't know what it was. I was diagnosed with Chrons within the last 5yrs. but I had also moved to a different state and doctor. Now, I am undergoing treatments (Remacade) and it seems to help a great deal. I, too had my Gall Bladder removed two yrs. ago. Even though I am feeling pretty good. I have too many "flare-ups", with a lot of diarrhea, and this makes it hard for me to maintain my weight which is only 110 lbs. and it interferes with my social life!!
My question is this: I am taking "Fosamax" for bone loss, once a wk. and if I take calcium 3 times a day, I am thinking that I don't need the Fosamax right? I will talk to my doctor, but I can't get in to him for 2/3 wks. yet.
Your post made so much sense to me and I hope I get an answer, because I have started on the calcium now. Thanks so much.