Let me start by saying I'm glad I found this site! I have yet to introduce myself, which I will do shortly in the appropriate forum. I haven't had time to look around the site in depth yet.
I'm hopeful that someone here has had experience with Pico Salax.
My just turned 5 year old has huge bowel problems, and is still in the diagosis stage. All that's been ruled out is celiac's disease. Again, my story will be in the right forum later on! My question is this though. We see a pediatric GI Dr in a different province than where we live, as we just don't have one here. We were told by our GI to give him Pico Salax to clean him out (not as a prep for anything but becuase he is severely constipated all of the time which is leading to bigger problems) both today and tomorrow, and to repeat next weekend both days. That I am to mix the PS with 5oz of water and give him half of that, so 2.5 oz. Which I did, almost 7 hours ago. He's been drinking a ton of liquid, water, diluted juice, gatorade (our pharmacist said it was okay). Yet, nothing has been produced. Nothing at all, except for two teeny tiny smears in his pull up (which is very normal for him) followed by two very tiny BM's in the toilet (again, his normal-nothing that would indicate what the PS should do). I called our pharmacist and he said certainly by now, for sure by now, he should have gone, and gone alot.
Now, what do I do? I'll give him his second dose tomorrow as instructed, but why isn't it working? I'm very frustrated with it, becuase no one has been able to help us and we've been dealing with constipation since infancy..........
Do I call the GI on call in Toronto? (where our GI is, not where we live), or do I just wait until Monday and whether or not it works tomorrow, call on Monday?
Again, thanks for any replies............this is new to me (the pico salax) and it's not working, and he's just a little boy.........a hungry little boy at that!