I have had upper right quadrant pain for 6 weeks, the doctors initially though it was gallstones, had 2 ultrasounds and no stones were found. I ended up in casualty two weeks ago and was given strong meds and sent home with another diagnosis of an ulcer. I saw a GI specialist last week and he feels that it is crohns?? because the pain also radiates to the lower right side. The pain can last for hours at a time and I have lost 15lbs in weight, I am so fearful of what to eat and have been living on soup. I am lethargic, depressed and can not recognise the person I used to be. I have 4 kids and a husband and a fulltime job( which i have not been able to attend to for 6 weeks) I have a apt to have camera down the throat and a MRI for next week. My blood work keeps coming back as normal so did a xray - but have had 3 doses of antibiotics. I am really scared that my next round of tests will come back as normal and that I might never know the cause of my pain. I have had similar pain over the years and had adhesions cut 13 years ago because of lower right quadrant pain, 5 years ago had similar pain but not in upper right just lower and they took my appendix out - was told after the op that it was normal???
I look ill and everyone is commenting on how skinny and drained I look and all I want is some answers
Had so many painkillers thrown at me by docs aswell
If anyone has any words of wisdom I would really apprecitate them