I am 28 year old women and have just been diagnosed with Crohn's disease with no symptoms other than a swollen upper lip. I have family history of Crohns on both sides of family and my mum had colitis (she died 2 weeks ago). It appeared in Feb this year after having my third child and putting my house up for sale - It was rather a stressfull time I don't know if this caused it to happen or not. My lip swelling would be intermitant at first but recently has become perminant. After months of seeing all kinds of specialists and having a lip biopsy they finally put it down to crohn's even though my isotopic scan showed that my bowels were ok. I have now been put on this liquid diet and all I can have are these ensure drinks. Although I quite like the milkshake drinks it is terrible not being able to eat anything - especially when I am cooking and feeding the children. I have managed 1 week and 4 days, I have another 2 weeks and 3 days to do but then I have to gradually introduce food. Has anyone ever done this? Was it successful? What are the first foods introduced and how long before you are eating normally again. I just can't wait to go out and have a meal and a bottle of wine I just feel so depressed. Is there anyone out there who has just a swollen lip and no other symptoms or did the symptoms come later. They did give my an option to go on tablets instead but adviced that I tried this first. Some days I think I should have opted for tablets but I know I would have been mad at myself for not trying this first. I have called myself marge simpson cause that is what I look like with my swollen lip - I'm getting married next year and am desperate to get it sorted. Has anyone any advice or in the same boat.
No there is no ulceration it is just swollen like a simpsons character/Lesley Ash and it is numb. Apparently it is very rare all my white blood cells have gathered in my top lip they call it Oral Gramulomas Disease caused by Crohn's.
It doesn't really add up to me which is way I'm come on this message board.
Vicky, you've mentioned a steriod based mouth wash - did this work? This is not something I've been offered yet.