I'm so sorry to hear that this is so common...me I get it from my MIL...and she said something stupid when I was on steroids(I had been biting my tongue until then) and wow! I chewed her ou! I had to do it again this last Christmas, chew her out, that is (cuz she STILL doesn't get it, probably never will, has less compassion as a rock in my back yard, heck, take that back, I think the rock has more compassion than she does)...though I tried to be nice about
it, but when on steroids it doesn't come out that way...
But that is what I was thinking about
Lovely985, when you mention this story, is how you would have treated uncle if you had just taken your prednisone
Honestly, I think this guy deserves a steroid induced talking to...hehehehe
BTW, has anyone else not been able to hold their tongue about
being sick while on steroids ?