Hi Andrealeigh71,
I am currently experiencing some chronic fatigue, and was diagnosed w/ CD in Feb. of this year. I am currently in my 1st real flare up since being diagnosed. I am currently taking 10mg. of Prednisone tapering down. Everything tastes funny, I am extremely tired, and extremly thirsty which means I am frequently urinating, and I could probably sleep for 10-12 hrs. a day and still feel like I only got 3 hrs. of sleep. I am so tired by the time I get home from work @ 2:30 pm, that by 4:30 I am falling asleep in my dinner plate. I thought it was due to me trying to cut out soda from my diet, but this is just extreme and rediculouis! My husband thinks I need to call my GI, so I will be doing that in the morning. So I will keep you posted on what my GI says!