Hoping for some reassurance here! Usually my GI prescribes me Prednisone tapers for flares, but this latest flare hasn't been severe so we thought it would be a good time to try Entocort alongisde my usual meds (if the Entocort is effective it seems like a good choice for lesser flares due to having less side effects). Now I know Entocort doesn't kick in as quickly as Pred, but I'm a week and a half into the initial dosage and I'm certainly not feeling the effects yet. I'm still getting D, vomiting and in pain - not to mention feeling really rough in general. The only effects I've seen are that some of my mouth ulcers are lessening and I no longer have inflammation of the eyes - I'm not saying I'm not grateful for that, but I don't know if it can be attributed to the Entocort.
So, for those of you who've tried it, how long did the Entocort take to really kick in?