I applied for a much higher level job within my current organization and, to my surprise, landed a first and second interview (2nd one is next week). Job would be higher level of what I currently do...more responsibility with more money. I would love the title, salary and love having some more responsibility, but it always hard to know how stressful it will be and that's a big deal with our disease. Problem is that I love my current boss and she is great about
my health problems and making sure that I don't get stressed, etc. I told her about
the interview and she went to her boss....they will give me a better title and a raise to stay, but they can't give me as much as the other job would. Don't know the difference between the two jobs...could be $1,500, could be $12,000...don't know what the other job would give me. Staying where I am won't be more job duties, which worries me that I may still be bored. But, I have a great relationship with my boss, and that is SO important to me.
To complicate matters, I'm being sent to Cleveland this month because my rheumy is out of options and my current path will lead me to disability. I really wish I'd already been to Cleveland and someone could tell me either I'll be disabled in x number of years or they can fix me and I'll have no limitations in life. This would really impact my decision. It's bad timing since I've been flaring...the stress of a new job and the stress of having to tell them about my problems could kill me...literally. But, jobs like this one are rarely posted at my work, which is why I felt like I had to apply for it and take the chance. I really feel like I need to be focusing on my health...I wouldn't be surprised if Cleveland reduces my work schedule or puts me in physical therapy, all of which will not go over well if I start a new job (although I'd still be covered under FMLA since it's the same employer). But, we all know that wouldn't make a good impression on a new office. I should just stay where I am, focus on my health and I can always move on in a few years if I am physically up for it...it's just SO hard to pass on what could be a really nice salary.
I know what I really should do, but I just need to get advice from people who understand our problems and the extra considerations we have about these matters. Thanks so much for your advice!