Thanks ladies .....
Roni I do remember you and have been wondering how you have been doing.
I am 7.5 weeks post op now, but man it has been a battle!!! Started the day of surgery with up to 8 or 9 seizures a day each lasting 15 to 20 minutes. I have total memory loss for those days. I was discharged 9 days after surgery just to go back the next evening because of an abcess and spent 2 more days. Then 4.5 weeks post op I was in for another 5 days from what they feel was a blockage from scar tissue or bowel twist. (They did not want to do a CT again because I had 3 since my surgery)
Tummy wise I am doing ok now. Though I have found that eating meat, especially red meat causes me pain and extreme nausea. So now trying to find ways to keep my protein and iron intake up. Otherwise I am eating foods I have not been able to eat for years!! I am sooo happy about that!!!! Do I dare think that this 3 year flare might actually be over???
But now I have such severe fatigue that everything seems like a huge workout. I go for bloodwork on Monday to make sure that there is nothing underlying causing problems with that. I am also still unable to focus on things like reading a book and have become extremely forgetful. It is driving my kids crazy because I never remember that they tell me things. they have started leaving notes everywhere..... The neurologist feels that this is lingering effects from the anestetic and from the severe seizures. I am hoping it gets better SOON!! And I have had no signs of seizure activity since 11 days post Neuro gave me permission to drive when I was free of them for 4 weeks... I hated not being able to get myself around, especially since I am a single mom!!
Well now I have rambled on.....
How are you doing with your recovery??? Have you had any complications?? I hope you have some semblance of remission!