My tests results for my pill cam are coming really close, its next Thursday!
And I am starting to freak out. So many things are going through my mind right now. All the what if's.
I'm terrified that the doctor will not want to help me or that none of the medications will beable to help me. I have not been feeling good for the past year. My family doctor has been prescribing prednisone on short little bursts to help me with the worse times. I have taken my last prednisone yesterday morning and I am scared that the diarrhea will start and I will have a hard time getting to my doctors appt. Even this time around the prednisone did not help me as much as it usually does, I got severe heartburn and feeling of nothing passing through me as it was suppose to. And I had one day of complete and utter fuzziness in the head. And don't forget a few days of feeling completely blocked up.
I am so scared that he finds crohn's everywhere, I have pain and discomfort in 3 to 4 separate locations and not just on the lower right quadrant where the ileum is.
I know that 4 days is alot closer than what I have been waiting but I'm starting to get really scared. What if he tells me there is no hope or that I have it really severe.
sorry just needed to vent a little.
I've lost so much weight over the past year from 155 to 115 and still loosing. My hair is falling out, my nails are weak I'm so tired. I have no energy. I feel as if I am a flower that wilts each day little by little. Do you know how hard it is too see yourself fade away and knowing that there is no hope.