Hi so I am new to this forum and would really like to pick everyones brains! I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in oct. of 2007 and since then have had 4 major flare ups. My most recent was last week. I found out I was pregnant and then a couple of days later started the flare. I end up bleeding pretty badly my blood count went from 12 to about
a 8.9. I then preceeded to have a misscarriage!
a bad week! Anyways, my real question is what do I do next? I am on Humira injections every two weeks and pentasa 16 pills a day and obviously they are not working! I really don't want to have surgery and I was just wondering if there was anyone out there who has used natural remedies to help with the symptoms. Also, I know my bleeding is a little rare, does anyone else have rectal bleeding as their main symptom? I have always been afraid to ask that question because I am scared that I might have something worse, I don't know. I hope this made sense! Probably not! But I could really use some advice! Thanks!