So, last year I was ridiculously sick. Humira failed. Since October when I switched to Remicade I've been tons better, yay.
The problem is I still have pain nearly everyday. Not too major I suppose, compared to where I was this time last year, and over the summer, but still hard to be a productive member of society with. When I'm at home, I don't care if I'm in pain, or if I need to run to the bathroom tons of times, it's no big deal. But if I'm working, especially since I work in a front dest position where I greet people, I'm on my feet all day yadah yadah, I don't have time to be in pain.
I was taking percocet nearly everyday but now that I'm better my doc doesn't want me taking it so much anymore and didn't even want to refil my rx last time. But she's right. If I do go out of remission again it's not going to work on me anymore since I have such a high tolerance to painkillers now...I used to take half of a small dose a few years ago and now I need 2-3 pills of a much higher dose to do anything for me.
Suprsingly, the tramadol has been working. I tried it once or twice in the past, along with some other ones, and nothing had worked but the painkillers or so I thought. The tramdol has done pretty well. It gave me dizzy spells the first few times I took it but luckily that went away.
My question is, I take them nearly everyday. Well at least working days anyway. Usually in the morning, or after lunch after eating something. It's definitely making it a lot more manageable. Yesterday I realized I didnt take any all day and was excited but then the pain and bathroom stuff kicked in.
Is it bad to take it everyday? Especially since I'm taking it two (sometimes three, but usually just two) at a time even though it says to take one at a time. Are there potential bad side effects I should look out for?
I mean it's good I'm not taking the painkillers as much anymore but I don't know if this is just the lesser of two evils...