Hello all,
I finally made it home yesterday. It feels so wonderful to be in my own bed, and to sleep again in my beloved's arms:) (Sorry if tmi:)
I am EXTREMELY weak, but hopefully headed in the right direction. I am still on the Dialudid every 6 hours, but am going to try to wean off it soon. I would be much more comfortable on just taking my regular pain meds (Percoset).
Now I have something I need to say to you all. First and foremost, I love each and every one you. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for the love and support you have shown me over the past few weeks. I missed being able to communicate with you. I was able to read your posts on HW, but could not respond. I had so many questions, and it was quite frustrating not being able to ask my questions. Someone here is always able to respond to any question we have, as someome is sure to have had an experience. So that was very hard for me. Plus I just plain missed you guys like crazy! Its like you are all part of my family. MUUUAAAAHHHH!!!!!
The final diagnosis was more than likely a partial bowel obstruction caused by adhesions and scar tissue from prior surgeries. For those who were aware of my problems with the on call doc, believe it or not things got better. We ended things on a more positive note. I developed horribly painful hemmoroids that when my bowels move feels like I am poopimg razor blades. I actually think the hemmoroids came from my GI's scope skills. As I remember my last scope with him gave me issues with hemmoroids, just not as bad. I already told him it will be a cold day in heck before he gets me to do another scope. Haha.. He said thats okay, I am good to go for awhile. But I think if another scope is called for, I will schedule it with another GI! I love my GI. but I can officially say that his scope skills suck! Also, at one point they had me on 120 mg Solumedrol and that caused me to have a steroid induced psychosis. Well that combined with a large dose of Fentanyl. Very frightening as I didn't know where/who I was. Finally my brother, niece and GI showed up and I knew who they were, and that brought me back to reality. Very frightening experience.
Anyways, not sure how much I will be on over the next few days. I am really weak and tired, so will try to build up my strength again. I have an appt with my family doc tomorrow, and will see how long he will keep me out of work. I think I will need at least a month to build my strength. I lost over 15 lbs during this event, and weaker than a dog.
Thank you again for your love and support, you are all just the best!!
Love you all~