All you want to do somedays are to take the whole world by the shoulders and shake them around, screaming, HELLO, HELP ME, PLEASE
followed by the sound of crickets.....
all things come and go in stages, in the early years of my illness I was so depressed I seriously could understand how and why people would want to end it all, but that changes, as all things do, you cant believe how much your body can take, telling you how strong you truly are, you cant believe how much resistance you have to put up with from family, friends, co-workers, whatever hospital system is treating you....
Yet, you grow more patient, you learn more about the new system you are in and how to use it ot your advantage, even though there are occasional set backs.
You become Capt Kirk, there are no no-win scenarios.....
it may seem bleak some days, but I swear to you, if you hang in there, if you just keep believeing in you, not them, they are not you, and you are special. You will come out stronger then all your foes, whoever they might be and whatever form they may take.
I got lucky, the woman I have been with decided to stay with me through it all, 5 good years and then 11 years of hospital hell.
There is going to come a day, maybe tomorrow, maybe next year, but when that day comes, your going to feel ok with yourself and know you can freaking handle anything after handling this, something you cant truly say about people who are healthy.
We are a special group of people, warriors who wont fall in battle.
Go Crohns Warrior's and of course my hero Capt Kirk (aka all of you)