i was diaganosed about
18 months ago but have had symptons for years. The first round of gut tests was when I was 16 and I am now 52. The diagnosis process beat the heck out of me and put me in a bad flare (for me). I was diagnosed with a severity of a 6 out of 10 (10 being worst). I was just barely able to work and felt like heck. I was taking pentassa at 8 x 500 per day and my body was reacting badly. I was taking 60 mgs of prenosone and going out of my mind and still sick. I then got periferal nuropothy (drop foot) and could not control my feet. I was a mess mentally and phisically. I asked my doctor for a handicap sticker for the car cause I was beat up everyday and at least this would be one less hassle with life.
I changed my diet to SCD, which started to make me feel better, which let me start exercising, which helped me to feel better, and I have been in a slow upward cycle since. I started riding a bicycle as my exercise and dreamed of being able to ride a century. That is a 100 mile bike ride in a day. Well yesterday, I rode 102 miles, with only about 15 minutes off the bike, averaging almost 20 miles per hour. I was so overwhelmed with emotion , well lets I am glad I had something to wipe my eyes. If I can do that, I can beat back this ^$**(^5@#@%#75^&*)*^ disease. In this process I lost 50 lbs that I did not need, and I am now in the best shape I have been in since I was in my 20s.
I know I am very lucky to be one of the folks where diet can make a huge difference and also I am lucky that I found the right combination of foods for my guts. I know I am also very fortunate to find the right advice and support from this group. I know all are not so fortunate. Believe me I spent a lot of time yesterday thanking god for blessing me and praying for others that they find what works for them.
I am writing this as so many here have supported me and to let the folks who are newly diagnosed know that there is still the potential for an awsome life after diagnosis.