30 days of 100% health. I forgot how it felt to be normal.
I was at the end of my rope Failed EVERY drug under the sun and just quit! I said screw it. My MD wanted to increase my Imuran again to 300 mg and I wasnt going there.
Im not 100% sure what the right combination is but it does not include gluten. I started a new job which was very stressful. During the first week of training I did not have time for lunch breaks. The guy training me said you better pack some Protien bars with you. I only had very small breaks between meetings. Maybe 5 mintues each. So I packed these bars called LARAR bars and canned fruit these were the only "bars" without granola, oats, etc. They were also the cheapest. Thats literly all I ate for 7 days! plus some egges here and there in the morning.
After a week I noticed I was only having 2-3 BM's a day........I continued on this crapy food till now and now I feel like I never had CD..........Kinda weird but sticking with it!!
Im strickly Gluten free and I can eat RAW veggies, soda, salad, everything!!! oh excepy milk still upsets my stomach.
I have been tested for Celiac in the past and was negative. I also tried the makers diet and SCD diet with poor results. I dont know why GF is working for me this time.
Please wish me luck.