My feet and ankles have just started to swell also. I do have peripheral neuropathy in my feet, I think from using Flagyl almost 2 years ago. Anyway, my doctor just last week upped my Imuran which is the only new thing I've done. I was taking 50 mg once a day and he said to start taking 1 1/2 pills. I had a reimcade infusion on Tuesday, Sept 13 and my nurse told me to call him and let him know. But I think the nurses didn't listen to me when I told them about the swelling and I think told the Doctor it's from the Reimacade.
Do you think just upping the Imuran by half would do this? I didn't have this problem when it was really hot, but I am very frustrated with what's happening. My nurse told me to get another opinion. Which I'm an thinking about, but not sure who to go to.