Background - Diagnosed with Chron's July 1996 at 24. Thought I had appendicitis and it was Chron's had resection done. Did the pills (Pentasa, Flagle, Cipr, Steroids) got tired of 20+ pills a day after a couple of years stopped taking them. Felt fine, didn't even see a doc. Got a Recoto Faginal fistual in 2003, found doc a Univ. of Chicago. Tried Pentasa and all the same meds as before (see above) for over a year nothing worked. Did Remicade, loved it, and it closed fistula and put me in remission. Thought I would go off of it due to remission and $$$. Was fine until last August when I got pregnant. Went into full flare during pregnancy and it has gotten worse since the birth in April. My son was 3 weeks early and small but overall very healthy and happy (I am now 39). Pentasa is not getting the small white balls in my stool. Waiting for Remicade approval from insurance.
My questions are:
My new Gastro Doc (I moved to Arizona so had to find a new one) says I may not do well on Remicade due to an antibody build up. I was only on it for a year and half before, I can't imagine I built up an anitbody in that length of time. She said I should be on Remicade for the rest of my life. I question that you're telling me that when I am 90 I will still be getting Remicade infusions? REALLY?? Come on not possible for anyone. Second, I would not have been able to get pregnant because you can't be on Remicade and be pregnant!!! So I think her answer was assinine.
Has anyone been on Remicade, stopped, and went back on? What was your results?
Anyone with Chron's had children and did they display signs of Chron's from birth? My son has some issues my family says I had the same ones and it took until I was 24 to get diagnosed right. I think my son is going to have Chron's.