Just wanted to say that your current plan sounds great. It can be frustrating to have to re-work your initial health goals, but at the same time, think of how far you've already come!
I recently re-started my food diary (I kept it faithfully my first 4 months on SCD and then lost interest as I was feeling so much better!) This Sunday is my 8-month SCD anniversary and I decided to re-read my entries and re-start the diary. It was amazing to read my old entries and realize how much better I'm doing now - and it definitely helped me notice early on (and even now) what things might trigger D or C or what things I can only eat sometimes (like SCD-legal pizza). I would definitely recommend keeping one - it's a really great resource.
I don't know if you've tried it already, but a lot of folks use S. Boulardii to help with d and loose stool. It might be worth a try if you'd like to hold off on LDN or other RX medications. The BTVC forum on yahoo discusses it a lot if you need a recommendation.
I've been on 4.5 mg of LDN for 2 months now (I gradually built up from 1.5 mg, to 3 mg then to 4.5 mg) and that, along with SCD and Remicade makes me tentatively feel like I'm on the road to remission - or at least feeling better than I have in about 8 years! No pain, bloating, nausea, blood, mucus, D or C, or fatigue - just 1 well formed bm a day. I'd love to say this means I could quit the Remicade cold turkey, but I know it's an important part of me staying healthy, so for now, I'm sticking with the plan I'm on and just taking it one day at a time.
Just wanted to send lots of good thoughts your way. You are doing great - and have always been very inspirational to me when I've seen you on the boards - so don't give up hope!