Hello to all!
I am new here. So I would like to say hello to all!
I have been reading this forum for a while now.
I have milion of questions to ask. I would appreciate If someone would give me any advice, any comment,
any word. I would be most gratreful for your time!
I came from Europe, but I hope you do not mind If I do not tell anything else. I apologize for some broken
words, english is not my native language.
Short wersion of my experiences with possible Crohn's would be:
I ve been start losing weight in last months of 2009. From 2009 till now I have lost 22 lbs. I'm 5.67 feet (175 cm) tall and now have 137 lbs (62 kg). In my best days I had 160 lbs! Otherwise was always more thin, than well builded.
I have had short period of D in august 2009, and my biggest attact till now in sptember 2009 (one night).
At that night I had stomack spasms, lasting all night. I have been sweatting all night also. No D at that night.
No D otherwise, normal stool mostly, otherwise I am having Consp. sometimes. In stool sometimes I see undigested food, but form time to time. At that time stool is also yellow, not brown. So digestion is poor at that moments?
Procedure for Crohn's began. In short:
Asthma in childhood, (autoimmune???) some depression
- many blood tests: after second attact CRP < 3, leukocytes 14 , other normal, hemoglobin 142
- ultra sound of stomack, everything normal jul 2010
- gastroscopy: bulbitis D2, no bacteria in stomach in aug. 2010
-SBFT: possible narowing in terminal ileum 2 inch long, posible inflamation (?) in okt 2010
- colonoscopy 2x: first time polyp remowed, second 2 samples from terminal ileum: hyperplastic lymphoid follicles (inflamation????),
no visible sign of Crohn's of colon or terminal ileum in jan 2011
- capsule endoscopy everything normal, nonarowing, no inflamation, no ulcers in small intestine in april 2011
- MRI with double contrast: no extra fluid formations, no narrowing, no wall thickening, no inflamation, no fistula, everything normal in jun 2011
Doctors conclusion: NO Crohn's. Attack did not develop since sept. 2010. It's in your head! Aha! https://www.healingwell.com/community/emoticons/rolleyes.gif
- I have been loosing weight, sometimes I have spike fever from 98 F to 99 F, I have had a couple of night
sweats. From time to time I feel heat in my body: mostly in heand, scalp and back. Sometimes I have D once or twice,
stool otherwise is normal, digested and colored brown. Sometimes (no food connection) is clay color, undigested food in,
conspitaded, some brown mucus over stool
Until now, knock on wood! no pain, can eat all food, but I do not.
ADDED on sept. 30th, 2011:
- for a month or so after first attack had pain in muscles, fatigue, had few mounth sores and once eye inflammation lasting one day. Could all be coincidence or who knows. After I took multivits, things went away.
- Thyroid is normal. Have had lung xray, heart cheched, liver and all internal organs (by blood or ultrasound)
- Biggest concern now: huge continous weight lose, spike fevers, Crohn's in back, sillent run?
- Self precaution: Food: no gluten since jun 2011 (gastro said), no milk, some fermented diary, cheese, no sugar, no trans fat, little red meat
: natural medication: Boswellia Serata, 3x 300 /day, spoon of olive oil with bee propolis, 2-3/day, zinc, Q10, vit B,
omega 3 (fish and suplements) vit C 250 mg/1/day, magnesium citrate 300 mg/day, previous vit D3, and E. Fish, white meat, vegetable cooked and some fresh, turkey, chicken, rice, rice cakes, ... More relaxed, but concerned a lot.
What next? Wait like a duck for life to hit into stomack? Natural medicine? Psyho? LDN? Nobody wants to give me blood
tests or genetic tests, nor stool tests.
I would appreciate every word of wisdom. I am grateful in advance! If I would be able to help anyone, with
my readings from net on this diseasse, I will.
Thank you again!
Post Edited (YP9) : 9/30/2011 4:25:25 AM (GMT-6)