I've been going on 6 months now with Crohns. In August I had a bout of Sepsis followed immediately by Pancreatitis caused by Imuran, I was anemic at my diagnosis but since then I've managed to climb back up to the low end of normal. I've been on between 40mg and 10mg of Prednisone during my course, tapering down and then going back up because my symptoms return. I've also developed fairly intense anxiety as I try to deal with this. I take Xanax (0.5mg as needed) and Zoloft (50mg) for that.
For my Crohns I have 30mg Pred, 2000mg Pentasa, and just started Remicade. I also take Prilosec 2x a day and Carafate as needed for reflux symptoms. For pain I just take tylenol because luckily my pain is never very bad.
Lately however I think stress and anxiety are pushing me over the edge, I wake up feeling terrible like I dread dealing with yet another day, I'm very emotional and cry a lot, I left my job about a month after my diagnosis and doubt I qualify for disability finacially we're ok for now but my wife has missed a lot of work to help me and she could lose her job if I get worse. I'm nauseous and when I'm upset I start dry heaving but I never vomit. My chest is tight a lot and I shake. I'm always feeling weak. The xanax / zoloft don't seem to be keeping my feelings in check. I constantly worry about things. I've seen a psychologist so I have the tools to calm myself maybe I need to work on that more.
The anxiety causes pain and the pain causes anxiety. I have a feeling a lot of this is exacerbated by being on Pred for as long as I have... but I can't do much about it yet. I'm tired of feeling trapped, I'm afraid of the effects of the Remicade, even though I've done perfectly fine so far.
To top it all off my Crohns symptoms themselves aren't very bad. I have 2-3 BMs a day, little to no pain right now. When my appetite was normal I ate more or less what I used to without any noticable effects. It just seems now like its the anxiety causing all of my problems... I know its in my head but I cant get it out.