Hi Friends,
I want to ask all members to please not leave Healingwell because of whats happened here and the mod changes. That would make it even worse on me as I would be worrying for you and wondering if you were getting the support you needed for your disease. I have read too many heartbreaking posts here from many members who have little to no support outside of Healingwell.
I have been up since about 1 am this morning. I woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep because I was thinking about this kerfuffle and all the mess it has become. I have had a small group of members and mods who have been messaging back and forth with me of late and offering me their support. And some of their words have stuck in my head and got me really thinking. I have heard them say alot “please don’t let this upset you too much, I worry what this will do to you with all you have been thru of late.”
So I decided to just take the last six months and look at “what I have been thru”. And you know what, I have had a lot of stressful events hit me! LOL Here is just a few things that happened in my life this past 6 months.
1) They changed every single program to newer programs at work. So what you could do in your sleep before, it now takes even longer to do it, because now you have to find it and the new system keeps crashing. I have been at my job for 22 years, by the way, so change is hard for us old birds.
2) I just went thru the worst flare I have experienced in over 25ish or more years, and it kicked my butt. And was so sick that I spent 2 ½ weeks in the hospital, lost 17 lbs, and couldn’t work for 4 months, and just returned to work a little over a month ago (to the new programs) still not 100%. We seem to forget sometimes just how bad Crohns Disease can get.
3) My only daughter that lived close to me moved her and the only grandchild I have ever been able to be a grandmother to, two thousand miles away. And they left while I was still in the hospital.
4.) And here on Healingwell, so many of the mods have been REALLY sick of late and I felt that someone HAD to be here to greet new members and respond to posts. So I really put a lot of stress on myself, trying to do it all, when no one person should/can do that.
All these things happened over the summer months. And the result of course is that I did get burned out, stressed and sick.
I read a quote this morning that has really been one of those light bulb moments. It said “When saying yes to others, make sure you are not saying NO to yourself”. I think I have been doing that lately and I think its time for me to say yes to me. So while I am going to step away for a bit, I think within in time I will be back. Thank you all again for the love and support you have given me and will hopefully give me in the future. You can email me, my email address is in my profile, or I am on Facebook too. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming . Hugs all! Gail*Nanners*